Thursday, 21 June 2012

Chery Raintree

Cheryl Raintree was very proud to be a metis, she studied a lot into her culture and followed it for the most part. When she was a just a girl her sister April was pretty much her mother figure and looked up to April a lot. Cheryl was very out spoken, she didn’t let anyone walk over her; she stood up for herself  100 percent and usually had to stand up for Cheryl as well.  Cheryl always used to hope herself, April and her mom and dad would be together again.. her wish never came true. Cheryl became very into alcohol and let it take over her dreams. She wanted to be a social worker because of her past and she did 2 years of secondary schooling for it than dropped out. She used to be VERY outgoing and just loved life and did whatever it took to make herself happy. Cheryl ended up killing herself by jumping off of a bridge. She had a son named  Henri Liberty,  April took care of him when Cheryl took her life.

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