Thursday, 21 June 2012
About the Author !
Beatrice Mosionier, also called as Beatrice Culleton was born in St. Boniface, Manitoba on August 27,1949. When she was three years old, she became a member of the Children's Aid Society. She grew up in foster homes, mostly away from her real parents and loved ones. There were several years when Beatrice lived with her older sisters, two of which committed suicide later in life. Beatrice has written novels such as April Raintree, In Search of April Raintree, and a children's book called Spirit of the White Bison. Beatrice has made great strides in promoting awareness of some of the struggles that the Métis peoples have faced.
My reaction
My reaction to this book. I love this book. Its so powerful, I for once enjoyed reading. This book showed me so much. It showed me to be thankful about how wonderful my mom was and that she actually took care of me. I really looked up to April Raintree; she was my favorite character. I liked her because no matter what happened she always stayed strong and never let anyone bring her down all the way. Over all I really liked this book, it made me think a lot about how life is for some people and how thankful I should be for having a mom like I do.
Chery Raintree
Cheryl Raintree was very proud to be a metis, she studied a
lot into her culture and followed it for the most part. When she was a just a
girl her sister April was pretty much her mother figure and looked up to April a
lot. Cheryl was very out spoken, she didn’t let anyone walk over her; she stood
up for herself 100 percent and usually
had to stand up for Cheryl as well.
Cheryl always used to hope herself, April and her mom and dad would be
together again.. her wish never came true. Cheryl became very into alcohol and
let it take over her dreams. She wanted to be a social worker because of her
past and she did 2 years of secondary schooling for it than dropped out. She
used to be VERY outgoing and just loved life and did whatever it took to make
herself happy. Cheryl ended up killing herself by jumping off of a bridge. She
had a son named Henri Liberty, April took care of him when Cheryl took her
April Raintree
April Raintree was a very strong woman from when she was
just young having to take care of Cheryl because her mother and father never
did, at a young age she had to go through being taken away from her family and
watching her mother be okay with it. She was very emotional at this stage In
her life, she only wanted to be with her sister Cheryl at that point. Sometimes
she was others she was not. As she knew up she was used to doing things on her
own she just wanted happiness and when she was out of foster care she became
happy very quickly. She was very outgoing and a strong woman from little ages
and until her sister killed herself. The
only thing she didn’t like about herself was the fact she was a metis woman and
she tried to hide that. When she went to high school she told everyone her
parents were killed in a car crash because she didn’t want anyone knowing she
was a foster kid. Over all she was a very strong person who went through everything you wouldnt want to go through.
"Medicine" April's parents referred to alcohol as
"medicine". They told April and Cheryl that they were sick and that
they took this medicine to make them "feel better".
April and Cheryl Raintree, they were in foster care from just being a
little girl to 18 years old. The girls
got separated from each other and placed in different foster homes. Cheryl went
to live with the MacAdams family and April went to live with the Dions. Both
families welcomed the girls in their homes very nicely and treated them as if
they were their own kids. Mrs Dion got very sick and they had to say their
good-byes to April. In no way did they want too
April got placed with a new
foster family by the name of the DeRosiers. The mother and her children, Maggie
and Ricky where very mean to April. They made her do all the house work and
they called her the "half breed". Because April was called a Half
breed for so long she started looking down on her culture and wished she was
white like the DeRosiers. Finally April understands her parents werent
actually sick and they just enjoyed getting drunk
She never told Cheryl this;
she kept it to herself. Cheryl comes to live with April at the DeRosiers. She
stands up to the DeRosiers more than April ever did and April starts to stand
up for herself more as well. April and Cheryl were very smart kids when it came
to schooling. Meggie and Ricky on the other hand were not all that smart when
it came to schooling, thats the one thing April and Cheryl knew and were VERY
proud of. The school had no idea what was going on in the foster home Cheryl
and April where placed in. April and Cheryl both had to wear really ugly and
old school clothing. April had one friend named Sarah who would bring April nice clothes to
wear; she just kept them in her locker and changed at school and changed before
they went home on the bus. Meggie and Ricky told the hole school some very rude
and untrue thing about Cheryl and April. Bus rides to school they were bugged and
taunted. April had to write an essay about something that meant a lot to her.
She wrote about her family issues with the DeRosiers. The school was very
shocked and told April something would be done about it very soon. One day
April and Cheryls social worker came to the house Cheryl got moved to a new
home she got moved to the Seinballs. Shortly after that Aprils social worker
came to see the new house, he was a new social worker. He had asked to see
Aprils bedroom and Mrs.DeRosiers showed him Meggies room. April got enough nerve
to say actually my room is downstairs. April showed him her ran down bedroom
with an ugly dresser and a very very ugly bed. That day April got moved with
Cheryl. She lived with Cheryl and the Steinballs until she was old enough to be
on her own. April moved to Toronto got married and lived with her husband Bob.
She looked for her mother and father a little but gave up when it seemed
impossible to find them. Cheryl was
finally on her own at this point too. They both went down the same path trying
to find their parents but she never did either. Cheryl became involved with
alcohol and lived for that. Cheryl went to secondary school for being a social
worker but gave that dream up to be an alcoholic. April at this point had a
very successful life, she worked in a law firm and she was a lawyers asst. One
day April got a call and was told Cheryl was in the hospital. Cheryl got beat
by her former boyfriend. April went Cheryl and her boyfriends house to get some
of Cheryls things; but April never got that far. She was brutal raped and
beaten by 4 full grown men. They had found all 4 men who had done that to April
through out the book, One was killed and the other 3 where put in jail. Cheryl
and April moved in together after that, they lived with each other for pretty
much the rest of the book. They had found their father and found out their
mother had killed herself by jumping off of a bridge. Cheryl took off after
that and April didnt see her until she got a call from Nancy the friend Cheryl
had been living with telling her that she felt Cheryl was going to do something
really bad. April got the police and the police had told her that someone was
trying to kill herself off of the same bridge her mother did, Cheryl had shown
up 5 minutes to late. Her sister had killed herself the same way their mother
did. April goes through Cheryl's
journals and discovers in more depth what Cheryl had been going through. She
found out that Cheryl actually had a
son, Henri Liberty, and that he was living with Nancy right now. For the first
time, April didn't look down on her native culture. It took Cheryls death for
April to find her identity.
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